When building with xcodebuild use suffixed version for: Some build settings have suffixes to specify exact target, they are: *_APP for application target and *_FRAMEWORK for framework target. ProjectCapabilityManager is now accepting guid of a target. Instead use either pbxProject->GetUnityFrameworkTargetGuid() (for source, plugins, dependent frameworks, source build options) or pbxProject->GetUnityMainTargetGuid().Īny use of these obsolete functions will throw an exception. PBXProject.GetUnityTargetName and pbxProject->TargetGuidByName(“Unity-iPhone”) are obsolete. For the most use cases everything will work as before but if you developing or using plugins, custom BuildPostProcessor, PBXProject, CI there is risk these changes affecting your project even if you do not use Unity as a Library feature.

Unity as a library feature brings some change to API and Xcode project structure. UnityFramework provides simple API to manage player from native side to load/unload, pause /unpause when needed, send a message to game object and set bundle where player Data folder is located this way you can have framework file with everything Unity player needs to run in one place. Unity-iPhone target will have single dependency on UnityFramework target. This target includes source/plugins and dependent frameworks and produce amework file. Main functionality revolves around Xcode project to have additional target named UnityFramework. The rest of this post describes the Xcode / Android Gradle project changes.
#Xamarin studio unity3d how to
Step by step explanations on how to include the iOS / Android library part into your native application when needed. A thin launcher part that includes app representation data and runs library.
#Xamarin studio unity3d archive
A library part (iOS framework and Android Archive (AAR) file) that includes all source & plugins.The build process overall is still the same, Unity creates the iOS Xcode and Android Gradle projects, but to enable this feature we changed the generated iOS Xcode and Android Gradle projects, they now have the following structure: You may need to adapt 3rd party Plug-ins ( native or managed) to work properly.Loading more than one instance of the Unity runtime isn’t supported.

#Xamarin studio unity3d full